Mental Health
At Thorpe Acre Infant School, we are committed to promoting and supporting the positive physical health, emotional health, and mental health and wellbeing of our school community. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and, at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we have a role to play.
Mental health problems affect about 1 in 10 children and young people. They include depression, anxiety and are a direct response to what is happening in their lives. We believe that good mental health allows children and young people to develop the resilience to cope with different aspects of life and to grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.
Most children grow up mentally healthy, but research suggests that more children and young people have problems with their mental health today than 30 years ago. That’s probably because of changes in the way we live now and how that affects the experience of growing up.
Dealing with change
Most things that happen to children don’t lead to mental health problems on their own, but traumatic events can trigger problems for children and young people who are already vulnerable. Changes often act as triggers: moving home or school or the birth of a new brother or sister, for example. Some children who start school feel excited about making new friends and doing new activities, but there may also be some who feel anxious about entering a new environment.
Wellbeing staff
Mrs Taylor, is the school's Mental Health Lead. She is responsible for the auditing and delivery of the mental health and wellbeing provision of the school community (pupils, families and staff), alongside the school governors. Miss Farrell, is our ELSA. ELSA's are emotional literacy support assistants. Miss Farrell has had special training from educational psychologists to support the emotional development of children and young people in school.
Click on the links below to access some great resources regarding children's mental health.
Are you a young person or parent/carer of a child under 18 who wants to get help for mental health in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland? Click on this link to find where you can access the appropriate support.
My Self Referral • Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (
Find out how you can help a child to have good mental health, including knowing how to talk to a child about their mental health, and when to spot signs they might be struggling. You can also find out how to support your own mental health as a parent or carer.
Children's mental health - Every Mind Matters - NHS (
We are here for you. Whether you want to understand how you’re feeling, find ways to feel better, or support someone who's struggling, we’re here to help.
YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds
NSPCC Children's Mental Health
Meditation For Kids - Headspace
16 Mindfulness Activities for Kids That Are Fun - Declutter The Mind