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Year 1: Badger Class


Welcome to our Year 1, Badger Class page

Class Teacher: Mrs B Taylor

Support Staff: Mrs A Tovey 

PE Days: Thursday and Friday 

In Badger class we pride ourselves on delivering a curriculum that provides enriching experiences for all children in the class.

Please click on the link below for all the information on what we are learning about this half-term. 

This week (16th December - 20th December) 

Year 1

Year 1 have been completing their Big Writes in English this week, and we are really proud of them! They have all been using their sounds to spell words independently, and have used full stops and capital letters so that their writing makes sense.

In Maths they have started learning about teens numbers. They have been learning that 13 means that the number is made of one ten and 3 ones.

The children all enjoyed making things for the Christmas fair, and we were really happy to buy everything yesterday

(9th December - 13th December) 

Year 1

This week in Year 1 we have been using our knowledge of 3D and 2D shapes to make patterns. We have also done a quiz to see what we have learnt!

In English we have been thinking about our own story that we have developed from the story of Stick Man. The children have thought of some great ideas for their new characters and the trouble that they might get into. We have really enjoyed planning and choosing some interesting adjectives to make our writing more exciting. Well done everyone!

(2nd December - 6th December) 

Year 1

In Year 1 this week we have been thinking about 2D shapes in Maths. We have been sorting the shapes into different groups.

In English we have been starting to learn the story of Stick Man and we have thought about how we can change the story to make it our own.

In Music we have been practising using our voices to sing in different ways.

We are so excited about performing our Christmas play to you all next week! Please make sure you have sent your costume in, or let a member of staff know that your child will need to borrow one from school as we do have a limited supply.

(25th November - 29th November)

Year 1

In Maths, in Year one this week we have been learning about 3D shape and we are just moving onto 2D shape. We are trying hard to remember all of their names and their properties!

In English we have done our first Big Write, writing instructions to make a potion for the witch. We have been practising time conjunctions, imperative verbs and adjectives. 

In Geography we have found places on a map in our local area, and have looked at the points of the compass.

We have evaluated our sliders, asking our friends to say what they thought of our cards. We thought of lots of lovely things to say, and came up with some points where we could all improve. 

(18th November - 22nd November)

Year 1

In Maths this week the Year 1 children have been continuing to learn how to subtract using number lines. We have been checking that we recognise the difference between subtraction and addition.

In English we were sent a potion recipe by the witch from Room on the Broom which we made in our classes. We have to put in bat juice, ghost dust and rats! Next week we will be writing instructions to tell other people how to make the potion!

In Geography we have been learning about physical and human geography. We have looked at our local environment to identify these features.

We’ve finally finished our Christmas cards and can’t wait to bring these home for you!

(11th November - 15th November)

Year 1

In Maths we have been doing subtraction and the children have been learning that subtraction is the inverse of addition. They have been practising crossing out to subtract.

In Science they have been describing materials that different objects are made from and comparing them to each other.

In DT the children have been making backgrounds for their Christmas card sliders, using paint, glitter and felt tips.

(4th November - 8th November)

Year 1

This week in Year 1 we have been making sure that we know our number bonds to 10 really well ready to use them after Christmas with numbers up to 20! 

In Geography we have been learning the names of the four countries of the United Kingdom and locating where they are on the map. 

We have also been staging our song for the Christmas play this week so we have all been quite excited about that! 

(28th October - 1st November)

Year 1

In Year 1 this week the children have been continuing their mathematical learning on addition. They have been using part whole models, numberlines, rekenreks and tens frames to help us add two numbers together. 

The children have learnt what Geography is and made some actions up to help us remember that it is 'the connection between people and places'. They looked at some photographs to work out what the connection was. 

In Music, they have been learning some new songs to practise how to use their voices in different ways. They watched a video of 'Naughty' from the musical Matilda to see how you can use your face to help your singing sound and look better. 

On Thursday, the children made diva lamps to celebrate the Hindu festival of Diwali. 

(14th October - 18th October)

In Maths, Year 1 have been looking at addition fact families. They have been starting to learn about number bonds to 10 and how helpful these are to us!

In History the children looked at some videos from a school in the 1950s and compared it to our school. They were shocked to see that the girls and boys had separate playgrounds and they had to bring a penny for their milk each day!

In Science they finished off their learning about our five senses with a detailed look at how we can use our sight carefully. We played a memory game where they really had to look at what they could see, and then they looked at the different parts of the eye.