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School Day

Registration for all children takes place at 8:50am; however, our classroom doors open at 8:45am to allow time for our children to organise their belongings before morning work begins. 

Children arriving after this time must be accompanied to the office where they sign in and record their lunch requirements for the day.

8.45am - The bell rings in the playgroundIt is vital your child arrives at school on time, ready for learning. 

Fox, Hedgehog and Squirrel Classes all wait in the school playground.

Badger and Woodpecker classes are to line up on the main path, walk right on the hill, on the main drive and wait along the pavement, opposite the green fenced area.

Parents of our Foundation Stage children (Hedgehog and Squirrel Classes) accompany their child into the classroom where staff will be ready to "meet and greet" them.

8.55am - Assembly

10.40am - 10.55am - Breaktime for KS1

12.00pm - 1.00pm - Lunchtime

3.15pm - End of School Day: Parents/ Carers collect their children from allocated places near to their child's classroom.

Due to safeguarding, we will not release any child to someone who is not known to us without prior parental authorisation. You must notify the office before 2.45PM if someone other than the regular contact is collecting a child from school, i.e. Grandparents, family friends etc.

Teachers and Support Staff are available at the end of the day should you wish to speak to them.


We are asking that your child wears their PE kit to school on the day they are due to do PE in school. Please see the bottom of this page for your child's PE day. 

Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit on the following days.

Fox Class: Wednesday & Thursday 

Badger Class: Thursday & Friday Woodpecker Class: Tuesday & Friday

Hedgehog Class: Monday & Friday Squirrel Class: Monday & Wednesday